Reflection of Chaucer, More, and Shakespeare Times

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Even though Chaucer, More and, Shakespeare live in different eras, the social, economic and political events haven’t changed. Even in our era things still haven’t changed, it’s still the same as it was back when Chaucer, More and, Shakespeare were alive. In this essay, I will be discussing how the works of Chaucer, Moore, and Shakespeare a reflection of the social, economic and political events of their times.

In this paragraph, I will be discussing how the work of Chaucer is a reflection of the social, economic and political events of his time. “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” was written in the fourteenth century, at this time the social structure was rising. Richard II was the King at the time and people started to notice a thing was taking a turn for the worst in the counsel. People started to notice that things needed to be changed. For example, Chaucer noticed throughout “The Prologue of the Wife of Bath’s Tale” how there was an imbalance of power between men and women in the male-dominated era. Where in which women weren’t identified with their social status. The only social status that women had is what type of relationship they had with a man. A women’s occupation during that time was either a spouse, widow, and or spouse. The only thing that women were good for is to bear children, cook for her husband and our children, and other duties. The main point of writing “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” is so that man can know what women really what. And that is to have some bit of control over their husbands.

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In this paragraph, I will be discussing how the work of Moore is a reflection of the social, economic and political events of his time. Thomas More “Utopia” was written in early 1516. “Utopia” was describing a fictional island were here is a political system in which they are governed by reason. The books also talk about religion, political customers, and society. The reason that Thomas More wrote “Utopia” was that he wanted to put a light that there is corruption within the political system, as well as religious hypocrisy. More was considering a Catholic Humanist, he combined faith and reason with Humanism. When writing “Utopia” he stepped outside of the box of Catholicism. More’s long term goal was to improve the society of Catholicism. The term “Utopia” means either “a good place” or “no place”. But how More depicts it as “a good place”. In “Utopia” shows the evils as well as the absurdities in the fictional society. To get his philosophical points across he uses “Utopia” politics. Since “Utopia” has been published it had inspired a different type of group of political thinkers. The main point Thomas More is that he wanted to put a light that there is corruption within the political system, as well as religious hypocrisy. To make it a better world for everyone.

In this paragraph, I will be discussing how the work of Shakespeare is a reflection of the social, economic and political events of his time. Shakespeare’s sonnets just like in Chaucer’s tales it talks about how women were treated in that society. The women in that era didn’t have many roles. During that era, there was a clear line of the role of what men and women should do. The men were generally the people that brought home the bread. The roles of the women were generally the mothers and housewives. During the Elizabethan era, women were inferiors to men and the men are the leaders. Women during that era were thought to be physically weak aw ell as emotionally. People during that era also thought that women need someone to look after them. For example, if the women were married then it will fall on the husband to look after him. If they were single, then it will fall on the brother, father or another male relative to look after them. The main point of Shakespeare is to put to light on how women were treated during that era.

In conclusion, even when Chaucer, More, and, Shakespeare live in different eras as well as different works. They still had about the same social, economic and political events in their times. The main point Chaucer is trying to get across is figuring out what women desire the most. That is to have some type of control over their husbands. The main point Thomas More is trying to get across. Is that there is corruption within the political system, as well as religious hypocrisy of it all. The main point that Shakespeare is trying to get across, is to put some type of light on how women were treated in his era. Even though Chaucer, More and, Shakespeare live in different eras, the social, economic and political events haven’t changed.


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