Essays on Role of Media

Influence Of Media Technology

 Role of media technology and its an operation in gathering political influence ‘ Positive Implications Being an important indicator of the public agenda and the public mood, media attention is known to play an important role in decision-making processes. It serves as both aids and crutches for gathering political influence. However , this research aims...
2520 Words 6 Pages

Role Of Media In Curbing Corruption

The media are the lifeline of freedom of expression; freedom of the press is crucial. The pluralism and independence of the media are essential to democratic rule regardless of whether publishing takes place offline or online. The media have long been considered central, shared sources of information, ‘watchdogs’ and the fora of public debate. Thus,...
2453 Words 5 Pages

Role Of Media During Pandemic Situation

‘Media includes mass media like TV, News channels, Newspapers, Radio, journals, magazines, and Social media like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram became primary sources of data. They’re also vehicles for fake news and disinformation. During a pandemic situation, how should social media be mastered and employed in a responsible way? The sphere of influence of media...
1281 Words 3 Pages
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