Essays on School

My High School Years

I remember when I was in middle school I would watch “That’s So Raven,” on Disney Channel all day, wishing I was already in High School like Raven, so that I could have the same pleasurable experiences as she did. But little did I know “That’s So Raven,” was a fantasy and that life would...
975 Words 2 Pages

My First Day At Summer School

It was 6:00 o’clock, “beep beep beep” turns off the alarm clock wakes up. It was a very cold, dark day. And it was the first day of summer school I was so scared and happy! Since I knew one of my friends are going but she went on vacation for a week so that...
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Flexible Seating In Elementary School Classrooms

Introduction For many years, educators have researched and implemented numerous techniques to help their students stay engaged during lessons or class activities. Recently, teachers and administration have begun making drastic changes throughout their classrooms to help contribute to what is referred to as the “21st century classroom.” This term refers to a supportive classroom that...
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Studying Numbering Of Numbers In Elementary School With The Use Of Interactive Electronic Posters

Annotation The article examines the possibility of providing the elementary school with demonstration means of study, namely, interactive electronic posters. The author proves that interactive electronic posters come in place of classic posters. They have undeniable advantages over other demonstration tools. The example of the electronic educational resource ‘Numbering of numbers’ is given, which can...
2243 Words 5 Pages

Homeschooling: Main Characteristics

Abstract Until this point in time, self-teaching research has concentrated basically on self-teach instructors’ viewpoints. Regarding self-teach students’ voices is fundamental for reliable comprehension of the self-teach setting. Self-teach instructors and students were met concerning their talks and points of view with respect to their particular self-teach. Projections were utilized, investigating members’ implications at a...
1860 Words 4 Pages

Causes For Nigerian Students To Drop Out Of School

“Education” In Nigeria is known and the best legacy and we were all taught that children of today at the leaders of tomorrow, but what can make a child of today a leader tomorrow? That’s nothing Education. Education is known as the acting of imparting knowledge in people either young old male or female, in...
895 Words 2 Pages

Society And Culture: Home Schooling - Never A Threat

Society and Culture Home Schooling: Never a Threat The emergence of home schooling Homeschooling is a progressive movement in education around the countries, in which parents choose to educate their children at home instead of sending them to a traditional public or private school. The generation of home school is influenced by its historical development...
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The Summary Of Dropping Out Of Master’s Degrees: Objective Predictors & Subjective Reasons

The Summary of “Dropping out of Master’s Degrees: Objective Predictors & Subjective Reasons”. Introduction This study was carried out using multi-method research in order to identify the predictors & subjective reasons of student dropouts from master’s degrees. The population was taken from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The increasing demand for postgraduate courses (Morgan, 2014)...
486 Words 1 Page

School Experience: My Childhood Wounds

In primary school, I knew everyone in my class, even if I wasn’t friends with them. But at high school, I looked around my class and only recognised a few faces. I knew I would have to make some new friends. But ‘however’ I was shy, and I hated putting myself out there. So I...
789 Words 2 Pages

Self-Censorship In The Public School Libraries

‘The books that the world calls immoral are the books that show the world its own shame’ by Oscar Wilde (Hielsberg, 1994). The librarian has a book and has become anxious about it because it contains sensitive material that may possibly be controversial. The librarian fears that someone may complain about it and now he...
3139 Words 7 Pages
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