Essays on Service Marketing

Service Marketing case Study: Bulletin Place Bar

Introduction The economy is progressing everyday. With the growth of market competition and globalisation of business, consumers are becoming more aware of their surroundings and competitors are paying more attention to consumers needs than ever before (Das, 2019). That is why Service quality is one of the keys elements to success to any kind of...
1699 Words 4 Pages

Difficulties In Service Marketing

 Though in past few years various financial institutions, especially banks are investing significantly in the marketing of their services. It shows the remarkable improvement in attracting new customers. Even though banks are making progress gradually, there are various problems banks are facing for marketing of their services. This chapter will focus on the most common...
818 Words 2 Pages

Service Marketing: Analysis Of Pinkoi Experience

Introduction This paper aims to analyze how the e-commerce platform Pinkoi set out to differentiate itself from competitors by developing a superior service experience and creating business culture, therefore enabling it to become the leading independent designer platform in Asia. Two models will be adopted— service blueprinting and cultural web. The case will demonstrate first...
2368 Words 5 Pages

Market Segmentation For Hospitality Industry

Numerous organizations nowadays understand that they can’t interest all clients in the marketplace, or in any case not all customers in the same way. Customers are too numerous too widely scattered, and too varied in their needs and buying process (Kotler and Bowen, 2010). In addition, Kotler and Bowen (2010) added that most organizations themselves...
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