Study Skills For Higher Education

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This essay going to explain how students adopt learning styles and how study plan can have a good impact in reaching academic goals and professional success. Learning styles can be defined as a way in which a person uses to facilitate the process of learning.

Main Body

Approaches to learning

Active leaner: Active leaning strategies get students mind involved in learning process and increase the potential to absorb, understand and retain the information. They prefer to make observations, to express themselves, to develop ideas of classroom subject. (Al-Rawani and Al-Balushi,2015). According to Powell et al(2012)by sharing ideas and suggest solutions during the learning process, students can improve their communication skills, critical thinking and make an effective learning environment, through can achieve academic goals and performance.

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Reflective learner: It is a way that gather around all knowledge acquired by researching which has a significant role to understand situation and also being based on personal experiences. Students who use this strategy prefer to associate the situation of what is learned with the situation in which he learned. (Colomer et al,2013)Reflection gives the learner new expectations, agreements into the concept of information.(Hedberg,2009)

Theoretical learner: The theoretical method can be defined as an active process in which learners build new ideas or concepts based on their own knowledge, from the past and new ones acquired in the classroom. It helps to improve team work and collaborations skills. Students ways to participate in the learning process are motivations, potential and attitude which can influence the success during the years of studies. Theorist learner wants to understand the concepts and theories and need to be convinced by source which is providing the information through arguments, also they like to probe ideas and concepts. (Cimermanova,2018)

Pragmatic learner: Associate the acquired information and include the context in his one investigation, trying to put their learning into practice(Taguchi,2014). For pragmatists the problems do not come clear, they prefer to have their one interpretations and solutions. They initiate actions, analyse the situations in many different ways and change the end through continuous inquiry, reflection, deliberation and experimentation. A pragmatic learner prefer to present and manage a situation by saying load what they want to say, with the level of formality politeness and directness required in the situation (Ferrare et all,2015) .

Learning strategies

Visual: Visual learner retains better the information when they see it in different forms presented as: image, videos, graphics, diagrams, slide shows, highlighted context, games and movies. This method helps students to manage and understand the situations by associating ideas and notions with images and to achieve academic success. It has an essential contribution to develop visual thinking(Raiyn,2016).

Auditory: They learn best by listening lectures and discussions in the classroom saying the information load, moving lips and use their auditory senses in learning. They prefer to share their ideas with others, to explain and discus topics with their colleges and teachers (Leasa et al,2017).

Study plan which includes short and long term goals that can help students to attain both academic and professional success:

To reach academic goals, students have to be focused on their motivation, thinking, strategies, engagement, behaviour and interests which help to interpose the connection between the person, context and long last achievement. Self-perception of competence is the main point for students to succeed and to achieve academic goals. Students who adopt a positive self-determination are able to work harder, persist, taking challenges to choose more difficult courses and can reach achievement performance at high levels (Komarraju et al, 2009).

According to Muller and Turner (2010), for attaining an effective professional success, each student has to follow the right tools, techniques and strategies which give the opportunities for self-evaluation, to be creative and to adopt a strategic perspective. With increasing the requirements, competencies in critical thinking, resources, visions and being engaged to develop yourself will guarantee the career success.

Short-term goals in academic success:

First month: class attendance, taking notes, highlighting the key points, planning short-term goals to be achieved.

Second month: being focused on lecturers, adopting strategies for an effective learning, doing assignment researches, write assignment.

Third month: submit an assignment, grades, academic attainment, skills development.

Fourth month: focused on individual progress development, being involved in group activities, behavioural engagement.

Long term-goals in academic success:

First year: setting up academic goals to be achieved, building relationship with teachers, self-regulated learning, evaluating the learning during process.

Second year: self-confidence, self-efficacy, allocating time for personal studies researches, self-management.

Third year: memory skills improvement, continuous motivation and persistence, participation in extra academic activities, making important contribution for a better future.

Fourth year: get a manager position at workplace while studying, applying the academic skills reached during the years of studies outside the classroom, even at work, reaching graduation requirements, graduate.

Short term-goals in professional success:

First month: setting career plan, applying the knowledges acquired in the years of studies, taking challenges, being competitive.

Second month: taking responsibilities, being confident in making decisions, professional approach and attitude, being effective.

Third month: being flexible and adaptable, integrity, decision making based on logical and factual information, job satisfaction.

Fourth month: job performance and involvement, finding quick solutions for unexpected problems, gaining trust and respect from others, attaining positive feedback.

Long-term goals in professional success:

First year: design a goal plan for the next 5 years, fix targets, career commitement, being supportive.

Second year: strategic initiative, subjective career success improvement, self-esteem, develop a point of view and give evidences

Third year: attention to details, long term persistence, applying positive psychology, sharing information.

Fourth year: being a good coordinator, obtaining higher position, increase earnings, becoming an expert in your field.


This essay has attempted to describe the importance and benefits of learning strategies which every student can adopt to increase academic and professional performances. Learning strategies help students to be organized in personal growth, rise their intellectual potential……(to be continued )


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