Essays on Summer

Summer Season Study: Soil Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulphur

Soil Nitrogen In present study we have observed that In case Agriculture zone the maximum Soil Nitrogen concentration 481.32 is detected in sample-9 summer season and minimum Soil Nitrogen concentration 263.24 is observed in sample-6 winter season. In case of Industrial area maximum Soil Nitrogen concentration 336.13 are found in sample-3 winter season whereas minimum...
582 Words 1 Page

Heavy Metal Analysis In Summer Season

Heavy Metal Analysis In present study we have observed that In case Agriculture zone the maximum pH concentration 8.6 is detected in sample-3 summer season and minimum pH concentration 6.2 is observed in sample-2 rainy season. In case of Industrial area maximum pH concentration 8.1 are found in sample-2 summers season whereas minimum pH concentration...
713 Words 2 Pages

Summer As The Most Loveliest Season: Opinion Essay

Why is it that there is always something happy and vivid about summer? Or is it just me who thinks this way? Although it may sound cliché, my favorite season is summer because it gives me excitement seeing flowers blossom spectacularly, breathing the mesmerizing smell of the sea, and exploring new places. Witnessing a living...
751 Words 2 Pages

Summer Vacation: My Long Trip To Thailand

What I did last summer? I was born in Vietnam, but I moved to the United States almost three years ago, I was quite busy from work to school, so I did not get a chance to visit my hometown. Last summer, when I heard my best friend was getting married, my sister and I...
959 Words 2 Pages
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