The Concept Of Truth In Poetry Of John Keats And Emily Dickinson

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The meaning of right and wrong has been debatable for ages. Many traditional and steady people still believe that truth is total, perfect, and pure. Meaning that the truth is “absolute.” There are also those who disagree and say that truth is comparable. I believe that truth is an individual’s interpretation. We pursue the real meaning of truth every day in every aspect of life.

Is the truth beauty? This event can be a controversial never ending topic for some. According to Keates, in the “Ode on a Grecian Urn”, “Beauty is truth, truth is Beauty. That is all you know on earth, and all you need to know”. From this statement Keats makes it clear that true beauty is reality, nothing more nothing less, and that only truth is beautiful. The graceful things that we feel are not really beautiful. Even the works of art, although they seem everlasting, later on, are not as magnificent as they ought to be. Therefore, the ever-remaining truth is the real beauty itself, and the others can change and move. So instead of the outer looks, we should pay more attention to the inner beauty. Keates notes that for years beauty remains intact, and he sees it as eternal.

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So what is the spiritual ‘reality’ that Keats is trying to connect with the Grecian urn’s physical beauty? “Truth is a brilliant goddess, ever veiled, ever remote, never fully accessible, but deserving of all the devotion that the human spirit is capable of.” Keates basically states through the urn that reality is the same as physical beauty, conforming to facts. Beauty is an object’s true quality. In stanza three, Keats mentions the tree above the two lovers ‘ heads. He says the tree will always have leaves and the musician playing will never get tired because they will always be drawn on the urn. The love shown is not going to get ; they are going to be youthful and lust after each other endlessly. The two love figures transcend human desire for immortality their affection will be on the urn.

In contrast to what Keates viewed on truth and beauty, Emily Dickinson displays a more modern, confusing vulnerability. Reality and beauty are matters of opinion, not realities unknown in her poem. Although she may originally seem to embrace her attraction, a closer examination of the text shows that her “synthesis” is not a given. Why are the two bodies situated in different rooms? Between truth and beauty there is only death, and the knowledge that they both go hand in hand. Both values are compatible to Dickinson. If the two individuals are linked, it depends on their determined search of certainties and resolution within the natural world sense. This is absolutely romantic, gothic and not very surreal.

Keates and Dickinson oppose their meaning on what “truth” is. She and her partner start talking in the second stanza. Her husband asks why she ‘failed?’ ‘She may mean to take this word as’ died, ‘but if so, why did she not use it? I believe she used the ‘bad’ research to find out that beauty isn’t infinite, and that’s why it’s beautiful. When objects that contain beauty live indefinitely, they are natural, but if they are physical or mortal, they only exist for a brief period. That’s why her answer to the request of her partner is ‘For Beauty.’ He says, ‘And I for truth the two are one; we are brethren,’ when her companion hears her response. Dickinson uses the term ‘brethren’ to characterize the elegance-truth relationship. I assume she’s using this word to differ with Keat’s notion that beauty and reality are the same. She claims that beauty and reality are similar or linked, but not the same. the topics of both poems are beauty and truth, but they are very unique.

Through my knowledge and understanding of both, I consider truth to be absolute. Therefore, it is never allowed to do wrong. Reality is the pureness that distinguishes between right and wrong. ‘Absolute Truth’ is real whatever we think and believe. Absolute truth is standing alone. In the meaning, absolute truth is absolutely true regardless of the evidence. The reality suits the evidence. Truth doesn’t change simply because we’re learning something about it. However, it is not always good to tell the truth. Then again, ‘the truth hurts and the lies kill’. Therefore, when speaking the truth, we must bear in mind that it does not affect the emotions or relationships of someone else. The challenge we face is that when we see it, we feel the urge to tell the truth. Yet, without scolding criticisms that harm others, we must try to do this. So when we openly discuss another’s harsh judgment, we’re actually talking about those bad qualities that most bother us. Additionally, care should be taken that the truth spoken for ego-satisfaction does not interfere with the life of someone else. we should always bear in mind that lying can be helpful at times to say if it brings happiness to others. If the truth is spoken in order to destroy something or someone then then that only shows your persona.


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