Essays on The Godfather

The Godfather: Film Analysis

Abstract The Godfather, Mario Puzo’s newsreel, was released in 1969, one of the most popular Fiction books ever— selling 21 million copies around the globe, producing three successful films that were critically and commercially made, and introducing their protagonists to American cultural mythology. While Puzo was unfamiliar with organized crime, thorough research provided him with...

An Analysis of The Godfather and The Conformist’s Protagonists: Comparative Essay

Bernardo Bertolucci, the Italian filmmaker, was best known for his 1970 masterpiece The Conformist, which was a huge inspiration to Francis Coppola when making The Godfather in 1972. The Conformist centers on the life of Marcello Clerici, a hitman working for the Organization for Vigilance and Repression of Anti-Fascism during the reign of Benito Mussolini....

Family Drama The Godfather And It's Facets

Francis Ford Coppola’s film ‘The Godfather’ is an epic movie based on Mario Puzo’s novel ‘The Godfather’. It is considered a masterpiece of art and has been used as a template for developing other ‘gangster’ movies. This one film series set the pattern for later mob movies like Goodfellas and TV series like The Sopranos....
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