The UAE Investment in Space and Interstellar Education Research Proposal

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The research focuses on potential economic and social impacts of investing in space and interstellar education. The study concentrates on the UAE following the fact that this country continues to experience growth and development. The embracement of technology is one of the ways how the country becomes successful. The study has relied on the available literature in this field as a way to identify the existing gaps and justify the need for further research. Two hypotheses are present in this study, and different methods are used to verify them. For example, the analysis of the available information from various databases helps ascertain the potential economic impacts, while data collected from the survey provides the basis on which to accept or reject null hypothesis concerning the social impacts of this form of education. The research has various limitations and assumptions.

Keywords: space, interstellar, economic, social, education

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Even though such disciplines as rocket science, astronomy, and engineering have focused on space and interstellar education, not much has been done in this sphere by various countries. The US, through NASA, has been at the forefront when it comes to research about space and interstellar details. On the contrary, other countries have remained focused mostly on traditional studies that deal with Earth and how it relates to other planets. Thus, the world still lacks adequate knowledge about other planets, space, and interstellar bodies. One of the ways to promote science educations is to invest in the study of space and interstellar bodies, as this might enable scholars to have more facts about the universe and possibly discover new areas that were not covered before. Therefore, any move by the United Arab Emirates to invest in space and interstellar education might not only enrich scientific knowledge but also spur development by promoting innovation and reduce the difficulty to acquire this information by its citizens.

The research focuses on the impacts of investment in space and interstellar education on the economy, growth, development, and innovation in the UAE. Currently, the availability of satellite technology makes it possible to study the space and interstellar bodies and pass the same information to students. However, a need to invest in this form of education and its possible impacts on other countries still remain uncertain. For example, whether this new move can have a significant economic impact on the UAE remains oblique. Another important concern for this research is the fact that any project that a country undertakes should be economically viable and effective. It may be needless to invest much money in a given process, yet it brings no benefit to the people. Thus, the research aims to ascertain the viability of the UAE investing in space and interstellar education in terms of its effects on the country’s economy, growth and development, as well as innovation.

Literature Review

The study of space and interstellar features relies on various equipment, such as satellites and telescopes. The process requires people to becomes more creative and innovative to develop advanced instruments that can help with the study of the space and various bodies that constitute it. According to Angelo (2014), the astronomical instruments that exist above the Earth play important roles in this eve of remarkable intellectual revolution. It is important to appreciate that society require innovative individuals to enable people to continue with scientific discoveries for a better understanding of the world (Rapp, 2016). Such tools are quite important, as they allow the invention of many features related to space, and one that can affect the lives of human beings positively. Apart from that, Angelo (2014) believes that the use of new instruments to study space and interstellar bodies proves essential, as they can lead to the verification of whether Earth is the only habitable place or not. All these actors require support in terms of education, research, and development. When scientists continue with the invention of new instruments, they can be able to discover new knowledge that may be useful for the development of countries.

The current study of space extends to various disciplines that include astronomy, computer sciences, as well as social sciences (Bainbridge, 2018). Most of these disciplines use computers to simulate human society in outer space. Thus, it is important to explore the challenges associated with the space explorations processes and their possible impacts on the life of human beings. Bainbridge (2018) confirms that not many scholars have explored the social structures in space, and this makes people perceive such experiences as virtual worlds that computers have generated. In fact, the inadequate knowledge concerning space social structures has left human beings to study this information virtually, even in school settings. As a result, it is still necessary to invest in space and interstellar education to get much information about it and give people the opportunity to view the available structure as existing reality (Al-Ekabi, Baranes, Hulsroj, & Lahcen, 2015). The current generation and even the future ones require much knowledge about space, and a country can only attain this process by having an education system that supports space and interstellar studies.

It is important to evaluate the economic justification of undertaking any project that relates to space. According to Benaroya (2018), technological change and increased education achievement account for 90% of the long-term increase concerning output per capita. The second largest spending of this budget goes to NASA, and this is an indication that space and interstellar education have a direct link with a county’s economy. Besides, NASA’s engagement in R&D has its rate of return at 43%, and the process affects the employment levels of the US as well as its national productivity positively (Benaroya, 2018). Based on these facts, one gets to acknowledge that investing in space and interstellar education has economic and social impacts on the lives of people. The strategy shows the opportunity to boost innovation, which then creates mow jobs for people and generates income to the county at the same time. While referring to a discussion by Crawford, Benaroya (2018) argues that the creation and sustenance of a space development program can lead to interstellar spaceflight capability. Therefore, there is much to gain by investing in space and interstellar education.

The need to provide human beings with justifiable grounds on which they should go to space or invest in it proves critical. Sommariva (2018) combines these reasons together with the roles that governments and markets should play when talking about space. In fact, it is appropriate to view space and interstellar education as an approach to accelerate the evolution of the space economy. The definition of the possibility of everything that happens comes mainly from science and technology, while factors, such as economic, political, and institutional, lead to the realizations of these realities (Siegel, 2016). The argument implies that most countries have a role to play in science and technology processes in society. Additionally, it is only through the willingness by political powers to support education that space and interstellar studies can be useful for a given country. Lastly, the economic forces in a given nation must allow it to implement the necessary measures for effective teaching and learning of space and interstellar knowledge.

Problem Introduction

Technological advancement and the availability of new equipment that can facilitate the study of space and interstellar bodies have led to an increasing interest in this area. Currently, astronomers and other scientists have a better means to access space information based on the availability of such technologies as satellites and advanced telescopes. However, the main problem is still in the economic viability and possible social impacts of space and interstellar education. Apart from that, the knowledge in this realm is still inadequate, thus making it necessary to perform additional research to add more information on the existing one. However, it is important to undertake a study on the potential benefits of this form of education before investing in it.

The UAE is fast developing, and it is necessary for the government to explore the available opportunities for its growth and progress. Currently, space and interstellar education presents an opportunity for explorations. However, the areas remain new to the UAE, and the government cannot inject funds in this project without a proper analysis of its feasibility. Through this research, it is possible to ascertain whether this form of education is a course worth undertaking or not. Therefore, the process would entail accessing the potential economic and social impacts that come with space and interstellar education to decide whether the UAE should invest in it or not.

Study Background

The research intends to establish factors around space and interstellar education in order to advise the country on whether to consider it an investment opportunity or not. The study and reports by NASA continue to make space and its bodies an area of interest. For example, the ongoing investigation on whether Mars can support life or not makes a person become inquisitive about the nature of space. All these factors can only remain clear when one engages in research and design with the view to unearth additional information about this area of knowledge. However, being that the UAE is one of the countries where the study about space is not developed much, the government cannot see the need to invest in it without convincing facts. Based on the available information in this field, it is evident that nations area becoming interested in space studies. In fact, even the US, through NASA, has renewed its focus on this area to ensure that the body continues with its exploration of space. Since the UAE is one country that has currently taken technology and innovation seriously, it becomes crucial for it to explore this new area. However, the process must begin by investing in related education as a way to make its citizens more knowledgeable about this field. The realization of the intended objectives requires that the government and learning institution to be ready for the implementation of this education process.

Problem Statement

The study focuses on the problem that the economic and social worth of space and interstellar education remains oblique. As a result, the government of the UAE remains uncertain whether to invest in this project or not. Space and interstellar education requires many resources for the government to do it successfully, and therefore, it can demand for a significant portion of the budgeted expenditure. Any decision to incur such a huge burden must premise on provable facts and not occur on measure conjecture. It is based on this circumstance that the research finds it necessary to investigate the social and economic benefits of this issue and make the government aware of the same. It is vital to recognize that the realization of this project still depends on the economic and political forces. Economically, the funds must be available to facilitate the investment in space and interstellar education while there must be the willingness by the government to avail the required resources to handle the same issue. Thus, this project aims to address the challenges that exist in this realm by making it clear the worthiness of undertaking this investment opportunity. The process would lead to the verification of the way of making the Emiratis to acquire space and interstellar education and promote research and design about the same area is essential to them.


Science and technology have extended beyond the study of Earth to include the space outside the planet as well as the interstellar bodies that constitute them. The US is one of the countries that have successfully support research and design outside the planet Earth. Seemingly, this enthusiasm is not ending any soon, and it is essential to have more ways to unearth information about the space. Based on the available literature, it is evident that NASA receives the second largest portion of the total amount that goes to research and education (Benaroya, 2018). The entity uses this amount to invest in their research about space and interstellar bodies, and the government has considered that this amount is worth spending on the project. Since the outcome from this process seems favorable, and the UAE government focuses on growth and development, one area to consider is space and interstellar education. Any move to introduce this form of education in the UAE may spar innovation, which can then lead to growth and development of this country. Besides, keeping in pace with technology is quite essential, and one way to do is to create a conducive environment for the Emiratis to access information and knowledge about space and interstellar bodies.

Study Significance

The significance of this study lies in its overall effects, which are the promotion of the country’s growth and development by enhancing innovation among its people. Presumably, the move to invest in space and interstellar education has potential positive social and economic impacts, which the UAE stands to enjoy if by any means the government undertakes this project. However, one cannot tell with certainty whether it is possible to attain the anticipated benefits since no previous data exists to show any correlations between these variables. It is this loophole that makes it valid for the researcher to look for possible data that can assist with the justification of this whether to invest in this form of education or not. Even though the existing literature justifies the investment in this realm in the US, the research holds that these two countries are quite distinct in terms of their scope of operations and prevailing economic conditions. It means that if a given strategy works in the US, it does not automatically make it successful in another country. Therefore, it is important to have a specific study that would provide the basis on which to recommend for the government to invest in space and interstellar education or avoid it at the same time.

Research Hypotheses

  1. Null Hypothesis (Ho1): Investing in space and interstellar education does not have significant economic impacts on the UAE.
  2. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha1): Investing in space and interstellar education has significant economic impacts on the UAE.
  3. Null Hypothesis (Ho2): Investment in space and interstellar education is not likely to affect the social lives of the Emiratis positively.
  4. Alternative Hypothesis (Ha2): Investing in space and interstellar education is likely to affect the social life of the Emiratis positively.

Assumption and Limitations

The possible limitations include the lack of adequate data and facts concerning space and interstellar education in the UAE. Not much work exists that directly links this form of education to economic achievements and social life of people of the UAE. As a result, the literature part may deal much with analysis of the effects of space and interstellar education in other countries, such as the US, which does not relate in any way with the UAE. Additionally, the research in this area may be expensive, and this aspect may limit a researcher’s ability to exploit every relevant information for the study. Some areas that may bar the attainment of the required data are the ones that may require to move to another country or pace huge fees to access the required details. The assumptions for this study include:

  1. The UAE government has an interest in space and interstellar education.
  2. Emiratis are ready to accept this form of education when it proves viable.
  3. The government has the capacity to invest in space and interstellar education.


Collection of the available data on economic requirements for space and interstellar education as well as the analysis of the same to identify any correlation between this form of education and economic achievements of a given country prove relevant for the verification of the first hypothesis. The process may require reliance on the existing databases of other government that has invested in this form of education for data. The next approach would involve the use of a survey to collect the views of both experts and other Emiratis about their perception of the possible social impacts of investing in space and interstellar education. The method would prove appropriate for the verification of the second hypothesis that focuses on the social benefits of this education to the Emiratis. The review of the available literature sources in this area of knowledge would supplement the statistical outcome, and a researcher would use the available means to explain any variations that may emerge from these results.

Future Research Opportunities

Space and interstellar studies have many future research opportunities based on the fact that it is still a developing area. For example, scholars have a chance to investigate the effects of discovering life in other planets on social life on Earth. Apart from that, a study on the best education approaches to apply when handling space and interstellar knowledge proves critical. The facts from these areas can best inform the decision on which way to go if this form of education becomes justifiable. Therefore, the fact that this area of knowledge is still developing makes the researchers have many opportunities for study in order to add to the already existing information in this area.


All in all, the move by the UAE to invest in space and interstellar education has potential positive economic and social impacts on the country and its people. The available literature sources reveal that the US has benefited socially and economically by following NASA’s continued research and development on space activities. The UAE is one of the countries that have embraced technology and innovation, and therefore, they need to promote the same. One way to facilitate innovation is by investing in education with a view to make people more knowledgeable and capable to undertake research in this area and discover. Since space and interstellar education is one of the realms where scientists focus recently, it is important to have more people who can fit this area of knowledge by support research and development in this milieu. However, since the government will invest resources for the realization of this dream, it is important to first have facts about the potential benefits of this endeavor.

Moreover, this study proves rational in that it the focus has shifted to technology and the UAE should as well take advantage of this opportunity. Based on the research hypothesis, it is possible that the process may have positive economic and social impacts on the country. The available sources of literature reveal that this form of education has had a positive influence on other nations as well. The study will involve the use of information from given databases and survey as the methods for data collection. Consequently, there will be an analysis of the data to ascertain the impacts that space and interstellar education social and economic aspects of the people in the UAE. This research has various limitations that can compromise the outcome of the results if not fully controlled. Lastly, this area of study has many opportunities that still require exploration.


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