The Way Language Profanity Have Affected Us

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Communication is the way in which we can express ourselves to one another by the use of language. Language comes in many different forms and meanings, there are also forms of communication that can cause an insult or cursing/ swearing. Some people think that swearing is rude and disrespectful, using the same swear words can be used as an insult or an exclamation of surprise, but some people have been using it every day. People use it in their communication, to express their feelings. The profanity of language used by the speakers can have both advantages and disadvantages, however, in certain social norms, cultures, and some nations, these words, and languages are considered taboo. But, scientists have proven that using cursing words can relieve anger and stress. ‘The taboo language is so fundamental to our communication’, the effects of saying and expressing this language have physiological and psychological effects on ourselves. “Swearing is a form of linguistic expression which is often referred to bad language because all swearwords are taboo, although not all taboo words are swearwords.” Research has been found that in the occupational scene, “men are always expected to swear more than women in equivalent occupations, and higher status personnel are expected to swear less than the lower status.” And according to myths, it has been said that “cursing and swearing grow in a society of undereducated people.” ‘In languages, we learn before adolescence, the swear words carve deep emotional paths. Experiments show that swear words learned early are pulse quickeners, memory sharpeners, and pain killers.’ As children, we are often told that cursing and swearing are inappropriate. For example, the F-word for instance triggers the children’s mind as a ‘bad thing’ or ‘inappropriate’. But how do children know that it is a bad thing and inappropriate? The language profanity that we have been using is actually a ‘cultural context that perpetuates itself through time’ quoted from Dr. Bergen, a professor of cognitive science from the University of California, San Diego. According to research, when people are in pain they tend to say bad words or starts cursing. The research was found that by saying these words, the person feels less pain. In order to justify the hypothesis, Dr. Stephens set an experiment and listed all curse words that are normally said by people. He gathered two groups of people, one group would say all the curse words when they are in pain, and the other group will say nothing. The task was to put their hands in an ice-cold bowl. As it has been predicted, the group saying curse words felt less pain. “For pain relief, swearing seems to trigger the natural ‘fight or flight stress response, as well as increased adrenaline and heart pumping,” Dr. Stephens said in an email. “This leads to stress-induced analgesia — being more tolerant of pain.” Since when did we start using these words? Using profanity languages, swear words, and curse words are normal in youngsters. But if it is often used when they are not mature enough. To an extent, middle-school children tend to use this language to be labeled as ‘cool kids’. However, this adolescent uses this word to act ‘a little bad’, and to other adults, it seems as ‘naughty, indiscipline, bad-mannered and perhaps a bully’. But, using curses and swear words at young adolescent age, they would hardly know what the meaning is. Parents who always have a conversation using swear and curse words would also affect the way their children communicate. Our habits and behavior are nurtured by our parents when we are still children. Our parents teach us the way we should be respectful, obedient, and disciplined. But not all parents will have the same mindset. Therefore, parents are not the only ones to be blamed if their children are not behaving to their age. A child grows up with their parents and in society. So, if there were young children playing in the park, and accidentally says swear/ curse words in front of their friends and other adults may have heard it, other parents would judge “that child lacks discipline” or “that child is a bad influence”. But how does swearing affects children? It is the social environment, the parents’ pattern of discipline, the child’s habits, and emotional circumstances that determine whether or not a child will unleash a curse word. A child is often triggered to start using curse words from their environment, as a sign of rebellion, an expression of anger, an expression of rejection, an expression of something painful or upsetting. However, there are some parents that use curse words towards their children. There is a greater impact on the children’s lives later in their future as compared to the child learning swear and curse words from their friends. The impacts are low self-esteem, mimicking the behavior, and poor stress management. A child would follow the use of profane language when their parents swear and curse to them is because they will hold in their hostility and will feel as if they are unlovable. Later in the future, the child would not be honest and have no healthy communication. The child would follow their parent’s behavior, and if they are caught, the children will blame their parents. At some point, they will have poor stress management because of seeing their parents using profanity in the language in dealing with their stress, anger, and frustration. It will have a negative impact on the child because they will have difficulty in maintaining and forming close relationships with their friends. 

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