Theories And Psychotherapy

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In the class of Theories and Psychotherapy in Counseling on 27th February 2020, Madam Wan Zuat Yin as the lecturer has given us a first assignment. We are required to form a group of pair and choose one theory of counseling had covered in class. We also required to explain in details about the theory that we choose. Besides, we are choosing Psychoanalytic theory as our content in our first assignment. We are choosing this theory because this theory can assist persons or clients to understand well the unconscious forces that have part on their current behaviors, thoughts, and emotion.

Basically, Psychoanalytic theory is about therapy to make the unconscious becomes conscious. Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory is a model of personality development and an approach to psychotherapy. He also gave psychotherapy a new view, calling attention to psychodynamic causes that motivate behavior, concentrating on the part of the unconscious, and developing the first therapeutic procedures for analyzing and modifying the role of one’s basic character.

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Besides, based on Sigmund Freud’s theory that is psychoanalytic theory, it has three systems of personality which is id, ego, and superego. Psychoanalytic theory also a theory of personality development, a philosophy of nature of human and also a way of psychotherapy that concentrates on unconscious causes that motivate behavior. Then, this theory also explained about ego defense mechanism which is including regression, repression, denial, displacement, and others more. Therefore, we will explain about the fundamental and content about Psychoanalytic theory.

Background of the Founder

Sigmund Freud was lived from 1856 until 1939 was the first child in a family of Viennese and they are have three boys and five girls. His father, like many others of his time and location, was very autocratic person. Sigmund Freud’s family background is a cause to contemplate in comprehending the development of his theory. Even though Sigmund Freud’s family had poor finances and was forced to live in a packed apartment, his parents made every attempt to cultivate his obvious intellectual volumes. Sigmund Freud had many passions, but his career choices were limited because of his Jewish legacy. He finally finished on medicine. Only four years after studying his medical bachelor from the University of Vienna at the age of 26, he achieved a reputable position there as a lecturer.

Sigmund Freud concentrated most of his life to revising and continuing his theory of psychoanalysis. Appealingly, the most creative stages of his life interpreted to a duration when he was experiencing acute emotional issues of his own. During his untimely age of 40s, Sigmund Freud had many psychosomatic disorders, as well as overemphasized fears of death and other phobias, and was included in the hard task of self-analysis. By surfing the meaning of his own dreams, he obtained views into the dynamics of character evolution. He first inspected his childhood memories and came to aware the critical animosity he had felt for his dad. He also revised his childhood sexual feelings for his mother, who has attractive, caring, and preservative. He then clinically devised his theory as he noticed his patients work through their own issues in analysis.

Sigmund Freud had very little acceptance for coworker who separated from his psychoanalytic creeds. He tried to keep jurisdiction over the motion by dismissing those who ventured to disapprove of. Carl Jung and Alfred Adler, for instance, toiled jointly with Sigmund Freud, but each established his own therapeutic school after restated disagreements with Sigmund Freud on theoretical and clinical problems.

Sigmund Freud was really creative and fertile, regularly putting in 18-hour days. His collected works fill 24 capacities. Sigmund Freud’s productivity restrained at this cancer of the jaw. During his last two decades, he had 33 surgeries and it was in almost continual pain. Then, he was passed away in London in 1939. As the founder of psychoanalytic theory, Sigmund Freud discriminated himself as an intellectual colossus. He introduced new methods for comprehending human action, and his attempts prompted in the most comprehensive theory of personality and psychotherapy ever growth.

Assumptions of the Theory and Therapy or Views on Human Being

Assumptions of Psychoanalytic Theory

The psychodynamic nearly involves all the theories in psychology that discern human functioning based upon the relation of drives and forces within the person, specifically unconscious, and amid the different constructions of the personality. Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis was the indigenous psychodynamic theory, but the psychodynamic approach as a entire involves all theories that were referred on his plans and concepts, for example, Carl Jung (1964), Alfred Adler (1927) and Erik Erikson (1950).

The words psychodynamic and psychoanalytic are always demented. Remember that Sigmund Freud’s theories were psychoanalytic, since the term ‘psychodynamic’ based to both of his theories and those of his colleagues. Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis is both a theory and therapy. Sigmund Freud was established his theory and therapy in the middle of the 1890s and the 1930s. He also developed a group of theories which have set up the foundation of the psychodynamic approach to psychology.

His theories are systematically obtained refer on what his clients told him during therapy. The psychodynamic therapist would regularly be handling the client for depression or anxiety interconnected disorders. Then, our behavior and feelings are strongly pretentious by unconscious motives.

Views on Human Being of Psychoanalytic Theory

The view of human nature of Sigmund Freud’s theory is fundamentally deterministic. According to Sigmund Freud, our action is controlled illogical strengths, unconscious or unaware motivations, and biological and impulsive drives as these developed through key psychosexual phases in the first six years of life.

Instincts are middle to the Sigmund Freud’s theory approach. Even though he originally used the word libido to refer to sexual vitality, he later widened it to involve the vitality of all the life instincts known as eros. These instincts obey the aim of the abidance of the person and the human race which is they are aligned regarding growth, evolution, and creativity. Then, libido have to understood as a origin of motivation that surrounds sexual vitality but goes further on it. Sigmund Freud involves all pleasant acts in his ideas of the life instincts which is he looks the achievement of much of life as obtaining pleasure and avoiding pain.

Besides, Sigmund Freud also suggest death instincts, which description for the aggressive drive and also known as thanatos. At times, human obvious through their action an unconscious wish to die or to injure themselves or others. Managing the aggressive drive is a big challenge to the human race. In Sigmund Freud’s concept, both sexual and aggressive drives are strong determination of why human behave as they do.

Structure of Personality

Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality contends that human action is the consequence of the relations among three structure parts of the mind which is the id, ego, and superego. This theory, known as Sigmund Freud’s structural theory of personality, places excellent prominence on the role of unconscious psychological disputes in shaping and designing behavior and personality. Dynamic relations among these basic parts of the mind are thought to advance through five distinct psychosexual stages of development. Over the last century, however, Freud’s concepts have since been encounter with criticism, in part because of his singular concentrate on sexuality as the main driver of human personality evolution.

Furthermore, they are the Sigmund Freud’s structure of the human mind. According to Sigmund Freud, our personality grows from the interactions among what he suggested as the three basic structures of the human mind which is the id, ego, and superego. Conflicts among these three structures, and our attempts to discover stability among what each of them “desires”, controls how we act and approach the world. What stability we bang in any given situation controls how we will settle down the conflict between two overarching behavioral propensity which is our biological aggressive and pleasure-seeking drives vs. our socialized interior determine over those drives.

First, the structure of personality is the id. The id is the most ancient of the three structures which is the id focused with immediate satisfaction of fundamental physical needs and urges. It operates the whole unconsciously which is the outside of conscious thought and it is never matures, enduring the damaged brat of personality. The id endures childish in its purpose throughout a human’s life and does not alter with time or experience, as it is not in hold with the outer world. The id is not affected by reality, logic or the everyday world, as it works within the unconscious component of the mind.

The id works on the pleasure principle which is the concept that every wishful urge must be pleased immediately, regardless of the result. When the id reaches its demands, we experience happiness when it is contradicted we experience ‘unhappiness’ or tension. The id connects in primary process thinking, which is ancient, unreasonable, irrational, and fantasy aligned. This form of process thinking has no understanding of objective reality, and is selfish and wishful in nature.

Second, the next component in structure of personality by Sigmund Freud’s theory is the ego. The ego is that component of the id which has been altered by the straight impact of the outside world. The ego evolves to arbitrate between the unrealistic id and the outside actual world. It is the decision-making part of personality. Preferably, the ego functions by reason, whereas the id is disorderly and irrational. The ego operates according to the reality truth, working out realistic methods of fulfilling the id’s demands, usually compromising or postponing satisfaction to keep away from negative results of society. The ego contemplates social realities and norms, etiquette and regulation in deciding how to act.

Like the id, the ego pursues pleasure, for example is tension reduction and keep away from pain, but unlike the id, the ego is focused with conceiving a realistic technique to getting pleasure. The ego has no idea of right or wrong which is something is good straightforwardly if it reaches its end of fulfilling without creating harm to itself or the id.


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