Treasure Island: Characters Analysis

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Have you ever felt an intense feeling of having something? What would you do to get it? Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson showcases what limits a human would cross to get what he wants. Jim Hawkins life takes a big twist when Captain Billy Bones keeps a step into the inn. Jim is very excited for the adventure he was going to be a part of. However, this adventure was filled with bloodshed and While reading Treasure Island there are many themes that can occur to the reader’s mind like greed, deception and sense of duty. This report will focus on the theme of deception, when a human lies or tricks someone is called the act deception. Several characters depict this trait throughout the novel. Their decisions affect them and the people around them in either bad or a good way.

Captain Billy Bones is a pirate. He worked under Long John Silver. He comes to stay in Jim’s parent’s inn. He walked into the inn as a regular customer, however deep beneath he was hiding his true identity. In the following extract from the book, it’s learned how Captain Billy Bones reveals all his secrets to Jim. ‘Now if I can’t get nohow, and they tip me the black spot, mind you, it’s my old sea-chest they’re after; you get on horse-you can, can’t you?…. I was first mate, I was, old Flint’s first mate, and I’m the on’y one as knows the place. He gave it to me at Savannah, when he lay a-dying, like as if I was to now, you see. But you won’t peach unless they get the black spot on me, or unless you see that Black Dog again, or a seafaring man with one leg, Jim-him above all.’ (Stevenson 17). Captain Billy Bones deceptive behavior is revealed before he dies of a stroke. In his confession to Jim, he reveals why he was asking him to keep a watch for a one-legged seafaring man. As a result, his deceptiveness benefitted him for some days as no one tried to steal the map from him and he could enjoy his life.

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Long John Silver is the ship’s cook, however, on Flint’s ship Long John Silver was the quartermaster. He starts the cruise to find Flint’s treasure smoothly. However, there is a plan on his mind. ‘ I’ll finish with ’em at the island, as soon’s the blunt’s on board, and a pity it is.’ (Stevenson 67). In other words, pretending to be nice until he has laid his hands on the treasure. Then conquer the ship and kill each honest person. Silver’s deceptiveness to act as an honest person helped him earn Mr. Trelawney trust. Mr. Trelawney allows him to pick the crew. So, the faithful party, the people who were not on Silver’s side, were outnumbered till they figured out Silver’s plan.

Dr. Livesey is a nobleman. He is the doctor of the ship. Before Jim’s second disappearance Jim had told Dr. Livesey about Ben Gunn, the marooned man. Dr. Livesey visits Ben Gunn. The doctor wormed Ben Gunn to expose where the treasure is hidden. ‘…., next morning, he saw the anchorage deserted, he had gone to Silver, given him the chart, which was now useless-given him the stores, for Ben Gunn’s cave was well supplied with goats’ meat salted by himself-given anything and everything to get a chance of moving in safety from the stockade to the two-pointed hill, there to be clear of malaria and keep a guard upon the money.’ (Stevenson 206). This is the reason why the doctor agrees to give Silver and his companions’ health check-ups, so he could keep an eye on them. This profited the faithful party as they got enough time to settle in their new campsite and come up with a plan to attack Silver and his companions. This surprise attack led to the death of Silver’s two people; the other three ran away; this led Long John Silver to agree to Dr. Livesey’s terms.


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