Essays on Truancy

Chins Petition And Child Rights

A CHINS (Child in Need of Services) action used by the juvenile justice system to help a child to conform his or her behavior to certain rules, whether court-mandated or those stipulated by parents. “There are four types of CHINS petitions are ‘Runaway’, ‘Stubborn Child’, ‘Habitual School Offender’ and ‘Truancy’. A court determined CHINS petition...
2395 Words 5 Pages

Research Project On Deeper Understanding Of Truancy

Project Description The purpose of this research project is to gain a deeper understanding of truancy. To investigate what makes children reluctant to attend school and what ideas they have that would make them participate in education willingly. The sample would consist of sixteen participants, age eleven to sixteen, chosen from eighteen state funded secondary...
2075 Words 5 Pages

Effect Of Substance Abuse On Academic Excellence In Undergraduates

Introduction The incidence of increase in the rate of drug abuse in Nigeria, particularly among adolescent led to the establishment of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) in 1990. The agency’s investigative report revealed that adolescents and youths between the ages of 15 to 30 years constitute the high risk group in drug abuse...
1783 Words 4 Pages
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