Essays on Winter

Winter: Seasonality in Humans

Introduction The evidence of seasonality in humans is limited. Whether human exhibit seasonality or not remains an open question that this paper is going to handle. It has been demonstrated by epidemiological studies over time. This paper is also going to focus on critical review of evidences supporting seasonality in humans. It is also going...
1671 Words 4 Pages

Winter Season Study: Soil Organic Carbon, Na, Ca And Mg

Soil Organic Carbon In present study we have observed that In case Agriculture zone the highest Soil Organic Carbon concentration 0.58 is detected in sample-2 rainy season and lowest Soil OC 0.29 is detected in sample-3 summer season. In case of Industrial area greatest Soil OC 0.31 are found in sample-10 rainy period whereas lowest...
587 Words 1 Page

Winter Season Study: Soil Electrical Conductivity, Cation Exchange Capacity, Nitrogen, Phosphorus And Sulphur

Soil Electrical Conductivity In present study we have observed that In case Agriculture zone the greatest Soil Electrical Conductivity concentration 0.45 is detected in sample-10 summer period and minimum Soil Electrical Conductivity 0.14 is observed in sample-9 winter period. In case of Industrial area highest Soil EC 1.63 are found in sample-1 summers season whereas...
846 Words 2 Pages

Winter Natural Disasters: Blizzards And Snowstorms

You wake up on a Sunday morning to winds lashing at your bedroom walls and snow pounding on the roof like blocks of salt from the ash-gray sky. You wrap yourself in a blanket and join your huddled family in the living room. The newsman on TV states, “…Northeast unexpectedly hit with severe blizzard and...
866 Words 2 Pages

Severe Winter Weather: Chicago Style

“Severe winters are characterized by either extremely cold periods one to two months in duration, or by severe ice storms or heavy snowfalls occurring repeatedly over a period of six to twelve weeks,” (Rauner). This is relevant for this report because the focus is the tremendous amounts of snow accumulated within Cook County’s own, Chicago,...
3205 Words 7 Pages

The Winter Season In Australia: La Nina And El Nino

Australia is known to be the 6th largest country in the world, with an area of 2,969,907 sq. miles. Also, it is considered as having the largest island in the world and sometimes called an “island continent”. Some neighboring countries of Australia include East Timor, Vanuatu, New Zealand, Indonesia, and the Solomon Islands. The country...

My School Winters: Expository Essay

A school brings you closer to me, and the two schools separate you and me. There is more than a simple encounter between us, we know each other, but more is different. I miss you, my southern girl, my leaves. See you at first, you speak a mandarin. You said, how is it so cold...
690 Words 2 Pages

Winter As My Favorite Season

The stars in the sky shine like a chest full of diamonds in winter, the thick white snow covering the ground. Nothing beats winter. Being wrapped in a blanket, sipping a warm cup of hot chocolate, feeling the warmth as the drink travels through your body. I will always adore winter for the memories it...
479 Words 1 Page
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